CRM software perfomance
CRM software perfomanceThink your password is secure? Think again.
We rely on passwords to protect our most sensitive information. However, with the rise of cybercrime, ensuring that your passwords are strong and secure is more important than ever.

Platforms like your CRM system, email passwords, banking apps and all other important platforms require strong passwords to defend them from potential hackers.
Your CRM systems store the personal information of all your customers, prospects and leads. With the POPI act in full swing, you need to ensure you protect this data. Although BluWave Software is stored on a secure server, you need to create a strong password to prevent potential hackers from logging onto your profile to download your business’s data. 

Did you know nearly 17% of users use the password “123456” to safeguard their accounts?

Tips to ensure your accounts are safe and strong:

  1.  Don’t use one password for all your accounts: It makes it easy for potential hackers to access all your data. 
  2.  Avoid entering passwords on computers at an internet café or library: These computers may have malware that steals your password.
  3.  Avoid entering passwords when using an unsecured WI-FI connection: Hackers can gain access to your data and passwords over an unsecured connection.
  4.  Change Your Passwords Regularly: Regularly changing your passwords can help protect against unauthorised access. Aim to change your passwords at least every 3 months, or immediately if you suspect your account has been compromised.
  5.  Create a password at least 8 characters long: Include capital letters, numbers and symbols and be sure to remember it 
Please note these rules don’t only apply to your BluWave profile – make sure you follow these tips for all your online accounts- By following these tips, you can greatly reduce the risk of falling victim to cybercrime and protect your digital assets. Remember, a strong password is your first line of defence against hackers, so take the time to create and maintain secure passwords for all your accounts.
BluWave Software

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